22. Working with Files in C++

Working with Files in C++

In C++, we often need to read data from or write data to external files. The C++ standard library provides us with the tools to perform these tasks.

To work with files in C++, we must include the <fstream> library, which provides us with filestream classes.

#include <fstream>

File Operations in C++

The primary operations we can perform on files are:

Text File Modes

1. Writing to Text Files

To write to a file, we use the ofstream (output file stream) class. We use the ios::out mode to open the file for writing.

std::ofstream outFile("filename", std::ios::out);

2. Reading from Text Files

To read from a file, we use the ifstream (input file stream) class. We use the ios::in mode to open the file for reading.

std::ifstream inFile("filename", std::ios::in);

3. Appending to Text Files

To append data to a file, we again use the ofstream class. We use the ios::app mode to open the file for appending.

std::ofstream appendFile("filename", std::ios::app);

Binary File Modes

Binary files are files that contain data in a binary format which is only readable by computers. Unlike text files, these files are not human-readable.

1. Writing to Binary Files

To write to a binary file, we use the ofstream class in combination with the ios_base::binary and ios_base::out modes.

std::ofstream binaryOutFile("filename", std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::out);

2. Reading from Binary Files

To read from a binary file, we use the ifstream class with the ios_base::binary mode.

std::ifstream binaryInFile("filename", std::ios_base::binary);

3. Appending to Binary Files

To append data to a binary file, we use the ofstream class with the ios_base::binary and ios_base::app modes.

std::ofstream binaryAppendFile("filename", std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::app);

In conclusion, C++ provides a powerful and flexible set of tools for working with both text and binary files. Using the fstream library, we can easily read from, write to, and append to files in a variety of modes.


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Original Note - Azerbaijani Version