12. C# Delegates, Action, Functors, Predicates, Events

Built-In Delegates in C#

C# provides several built-in delegate types that simplify common programming patterns without explicitly declaring new delegate types for each scenario.

1) Action

An Action delegate references a method that returns void. It can accept zero or more parameters, but it does not return a value.


2) Func

A Func delegate references a method that returns a value. It can accept zero or more parameters, with the last type argument representing the return type.


3) Predicate

A Predicate<T> is a delegate that returns a bool and accepts one parameter of type T. It is often used for filtering or matching criteria.

Predicate<int> isEven = (x) => x % 2 == 0;
bool check = isEven(4); // check = true

Example with Array.FindAll

int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
int[] evenNumbers = Array.FindAll(numbers, isEven);

foreach (int num in evenNumbers)
    Console.WriteLine(num); // prints 2, 4, 6

In this example, Array.FindAll uses the predicate (isEven) to filter out elements from the array.


An event in C# is built on top of delegates and provides a publish-subscribe (observer) mechanism. It’s commonly used to broadcast notifications that something has happened, allowing subscribers to handle the event without tight coupling.

Key Points

  1. Event is a Delegate

    Under the hood, an event holds a delegate instance. However, an event restricts some operations compared to a raw delegate.

  1. Event Handlers

    By convention, events often use the EventHandler or EventHandler<TEventArgs> delegate, but any delegate can be used.

  1. Visibility
    • Typically, you cannot invoke an event from outside the class that declares it.
    • You can only add (+=) or remove (=) handlers.
  1. Firing (Invoking) the Event

    Inside the class that owns the event, you typically see code that checks if the event is non-null and then invokes it.


public class Publisher
    // Define an event of type Action or a custom delegate
    public event Action OnDataProcessed;

    public void ProcessData()
        // Some processing logic
        // ...

        // Fire the event

public class Subscriber
    public void Subscribe(Publisher pub)
        // Register event handler
        pub.OnDataProcessed += HandleDataProcessed;

    private void HandleDataProcessed()
        Console.WriteLine("Data processed event received.");

public static class Demo
    public static void Main()
        Publisher p = new Publisher();
        Subscriber s = new Subscriber();

        // The event triggers HandleDataProcessed in the Subscriber

Differences Between Delegates and Events

  1. Access Control:
    • A raw delegate can be invoked by anyone who can access it.
    • An event can typically be invoked only within the declaring class.
  1. Subscription:
    • Both delegates and events support += and = to attach and detach handlers.
    • Events do not allow direct assignment (=) from external code.
  1. Usage Context:
    • Delegates are often used for function pointers or as parameters for callbacks.
    • Events provide a structured model for the publisher/subscriber pattern.


The content in this document is based on the original notes provided in Azerbaijani. For further details, you can refer to the original document using the following link:

Original Note - Azerbaijani Version