2. Functions and String

String and StringBuilder

C# provides both string (lowercase s) and String (uppercase S from System.String) to represent text. These two names refer to the same type. However, string in C# behaves like a value type in that it is immutable (once created, its content cannot be changed). If you need a mutable string, you can use StringBuilder, which is a reference type and allows modifying the text without creating new objects.

Value vs. Reference Types


Enums (enum) are sets of named integer constants that improve code readability. For example:

enum Days { Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday }


Only reference types can be null by default in C#. For value types (int, bool, etc.), you must explicitly use nullable notation to allow null:

int? data = null;

ref, out, and in Keywords

checked and unchecked

In C#, arithmetic operations can overflow, leading to unexpected results. The checked keyword enforces overflow checking at runtime, throwing an exception if an operation exceeds the data type’s range. Conversely, unchecked ignores overflow, potentially yielding truncated or incorrect values without an exception.

checked Example

    int val = int.MaxValue;
    Console.WriteLine(val + 2);  // Throws System.OverflowException

unchecked Example

    int val = int.MaxValue;
    Console.WriteLine(val + 2);  // Outputs a negative number (-2147483647)

When neither checked nor unchecked is specified, the default behavior depends on compiler settings (checked for constants in some cases, unchecked for non-constants by default).


The content in this document is based on the original notes provided in Azerbaijani. For further details, you can refer to the original document using the following link:

Original Note - Azerbaijani Version