4. Proxy Pattern

Proxy Pattern in Software Design

Introduction to Proxy Pattern

The Proxy Pattern is a structural design pattern that provides a substitute or placeholder for another object. This pattern is used when you want to control access to an object, by providing a surrogate or placeholder for it. This proxy object can control the creation and access of the original object and can perform additional operations either before or after the request gets through to the original object.

Key Points of Proxy Pattern

Proxy Pattern in Database Operations

In the context of a database operation, a proxy disguises itself as a database object. It has the ability to handle lazy initialization and result caching. The client or the real database object may not even be aware of this.

For example, when a proxy receives a number of similar queries, it stores (caches) the response. If it receives the same query again, it doesn't send a new request to the database. Instead, it reads the response from its cache, improving the efficiency and performance of database operations.

Code Example

A basic implementation of a Proxy Pattern in C# can be as follows:

public interface IDatabase
    void Request();

public class RealDatabase : IDatabase
    public void Request()
        Console.WriteLine("Requesting data from the real database...");

public class DatabaseProxy : IDatabase
    private RealDatabase _realDatabase;

    public void Request()
        if (_realDatabase == null)
            _realDatabase = new RealDatabase();


public class Client
    public void ClientCode(IDatabase database)

Composite Pattern in Software Design

Introduction to Composite Pattern

The Composite Pattern is another structural design pattern that allows you to compose objects into tree structures and enables clients to treat individual objects and composed structures uniformly.

Key Points of Composite Pattern

Composite Pattern in Application

Composite Pattern is particularly useful when dealing with a hierarchical structure of objects. With the Composite Pattern, you can apply the same operations over both the individual objects and composed objects.

Code Example

A basic implementation of a Composite Pattern in C# can be as follows:

abstract class Component
    public abstract void Operation();

class Leaf : Component
    public override void Operation()
        Console.WriteLine("Leaf operation");

class Composite : Component
    List<Component> _children = new List<Component>();

    public override void Operation()
        foreach (var component in _children)

    public void Add(Component component)

    public void Remove(Component component)

In this example, both the Leaf and Composite classes inherit from the Component class, which means they can be used interchangeably by the client. The Composite class also contains a list of Component objects, which can be of type Leaf or Composite. This allows for complex, tree-like structures to be built.


The content in this document is based on the original notes provided in Azerbaijani. For further details, you can refer to the original document using the following link:

Original Note - Azerbaijani Version