6. Facade Pattern

Facade Pattern in Software Design

Introduction to Facade Pattern

The Facade Pattern is a structural design pattern that provides a simplified interface to a complex subsystem. This pattern involves a single wrapper class that contains a set of members required by the client. These members access the system on behalf of the facade user, hiding the complexities of the larger system and providing a simpler interface to the client.

Detailed Explanation of Facade Pattern

The Facade Pattern is named aptly as it resembles a facade on a building, which hides the complexity of the building's structure and only presents a neat and organized interface to the outside world. Similarly, this pattern hides the complexities of a system and provides a simpler interface to the client.

Key Points:

Example of Facade Pattern

Here's a simple code example in Java:

class ComplexSystem {
    void operation1() { ... }
    void operation2() { ... }

class Facade {
    ComplexSystem cs = new ComplexSystem();

    void simplifiedOperation() {

class Client {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Facade facade = new Facade();

Behavioral Pattern in Software Design

Introduction to Behavioral Pattern

Behavioral Patterns are design patterns that identify common communication patterns between objects and realize these patterns. They increase flexibility in carrying out this communication.

Chain of Responsibility Pattern

The Chain of Responsibility Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that lets you pass requests along a chain of handlers. Upon receiving a request, each handler decides either to process the request or to pass it to the next handler in the chain.

Key Points:

Example of Chain of Responsibility Pattern

Here's a simple code example in Java:

abstract class Handler {
    protected Handler successor;

    public void setSuccessor(Handler successor) {
        this.successor = successor;

    public abstract void handleRequest();

class ConcreteHandler1 extends Handler {
    public void handleRequest() {
        if (condition) {
            // handle request
        } else if (successor != null) {

class Client {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Handler h1 = new ConcreteHandler1();
        Handler h2 = new ConcreteHandler2();

In this example, ConcreteHandler1 and ConcreteHandler2 are linked in a chain. When a request is passed to ConcreteHandler1, it either handles the request or passes it to the next handler in the chain (ConcreteHandler2), depending on a condition.


The content in this document is based on the original notes provided in Azerbaijani. For further details, you can refer to the original document using the following link:

Original Note - Azerbaijani Version